Monday, December 18, 2006

Pretty Colours!

Well, the colour issue has been resolved. Apparently, there is a mix up in the internals. If I connect the Red to the Blue jack, and the Blue to the Red jack, all is fine. Crazy, I know, but it works!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The good, the bad, and the ugly

Well, the good news is that the speaker wire has all been run. Soon I'll pick up some molding and run it over the wire so you won't be able to see it at all. The next cable that needs to be hidden is the component cable. It also has to be run up to the projector where the sound system and DVD player are. I order a 25' length of cable to which should do the job nicely. I just need to find some way of hiding it.

The bad news is the component is still very blue. I have no idea what could be causing it, other then a problem with the projector. If I don't have it fixed by after Christmas, I'll have to return it. I have to keep it around while everyone's home, we'll just be stuck using composite. Bummer.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Feeling Blue

Well, the projector has a destinct blue tint when hooked up with component. It was there the first time I hooked it up that way, but disappeared soon after, but now it's back. You can compare these two pictures, the first is component (really blue), the second is composite, perfectly fine.

Saturday, December 9, 2006


The next big task will be getting all the cables and sound sorted out. I've attacked speakers to the rear wall and run cable, but it's all hanging and too short so my rooms looking like a spiders den. Also, the component cable isn't long enough for anything, even at 12'. Honestly, this equipment is not designed with projectors in mind. No one carries the right length of cabling. I'll have to measure and do a cabling run tomorrow. I really need a good product to fasten the cabling to the walls. If anyone got suggestions, I'm game.

Almost done

It has been a productive day. First thing today we ran to Home Depot and bought some lengths of wood to sturdy up the screen a bit. I also bought some brass corners to clean up the look of the screen. They cover the loose joins on the corners really well.

With the screen straingtened, it took a few tries to get the hangers in the rights places, but eventually the screen went up and finally it was time to test things out!

An now, the moment we've all been waiting for.... the image!

Not bad, I must say! The blur is the result of the slow shutter speed of course and not the actual screen. Right now I'm having a problem with the DVD player and the component output looking vary blue. I hope it's an issue with the player and not the projector. I'll know soon enough as the Wii component cables are in the mail.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Wii in 480pee

Nintendo tells me my Wii component cables have shipped. I can't wait to check out the Wii on the Evo. Unless something drastic happens over the weekend, I should be all set up and ready to party by then.


Well this afternoon after a wonderful time at the dentist having 4 or my wisdom teeth ripped out, I managed to get the border felted. The first time I assembled the frame the corners didn't match right, I trimmed up and tightened the fabric around the corners and got them much better. I'd like to find a way to hide the joins, but it's not a priority right now.

Attaching the fabric to the screen went much better then expected. Following the instructions provided on the construction site suggested by Jeremy, Mel and I managed to get the fabric attached and firm in no time. However, I think we might have made it a little to tight as the frame tends to torque a little then held up. Tomorrow I'll run into Home Depot and grab some backing to straighten it up a little. No biggie. We should have a wide screen up by tomorrow afternoon.

Tomorrows plan, movies and playing the Wii.

Still to do:
  1. Run all the cabling out of the way as best as possible
  2. Mount all the speakers in the best possible locations
  3. Stabilize the screen