Well this afternoon after a wonderful time at the dentist having 4 or my wisdom teeth ripped out, I managed to get the border felted. The first time I assembled the frame the corners didn't match right, I trimmed up and tightened the fabric around the corners and got them much better. I'd like to find a way to hide the joins, but it's not a priority right now.

Attaching the fabric to the screen went much better then expected. Following the instructions provided on the
construction site suggested by Jeremy, Mel and I managed to get the fabric attached and firm in no time. However, I think we might have made it a little to tight as the frame tends to torque a little then held up. Tomorrow I'll run into Home Depot and grab some backing to straighten it up a little. No biggie. We should have a wide screen up by tomorrow afternoon.
Tomorrows plan, movies and playing the Wii.
Still to do:
- Run all the cabling out of the way as best as possible
- Mount all the speakers in the best possible locations
- Stabilize the screen
You're really becomming quite the handyman, apparently.
Withhold judgment until this actually works ;)
You had your wisdom teeth out? Ouch! How are you feeling? I can't believe I'm not there to bring you Jell-O. :-(
Also, the screen looks great. Even I'm excited about playing the Wii.
- Ainz
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