Tuesday, December 5, 2006

A set back

Well, tonight amid the perpetual snow fall that's been hanging about the city, I went out and picked up what I though I'd need to move this project ahead. With all my ill gotten goods I returned home to get started! The first task was to hang the projector. I attached a piece of shelving to the ceiling so I could better position the projector. After a couple hours work I had the projectors suspended!

With the power hooked up I turned on the power and....
Not at all what I wanted. And the mount is tilted as far down as possible. This means I will have to adjust the ceiling attachment somehow. Not to mention that the stupid socket is most likely going to interfer with my image.

On the upside, the image is almost exaclt 90" wide, which gives me a widescreen diagonal of almost 104". Not bad! Tomorrow's task is to get the image projected lower onto the wall somehow.


Mike Mainguy said...

Can I suggest you not project the image directly on the wall? After many years of doing this, I finally decided to use a piece of cloth and this is much superior. Not sure why, but the wall always looked "goofy" I tried a couple different paints and spent a LOT (like many many hours) of time sanding and smoothing it to be absolutely flawless.
Finally, I hung a grey-white sheet (because I moved) and the image was much better. I used a piece of inexpensive wood and some hooks to make sure the sheet was stretched a bit (and had no bumps or ripples, a science unto itself). This technique produced not only a better picture, but it didn't seems to wash out from ancillary light as much.

Unknown said...

I've also heard and read that using the reverse side of blackout cloth, stretched across a homemade frame and stapled down, works quite well. It's mountable on a wall, fairly inexpensive, and movable if you so choose. Many DIY options out there, find the one that best fits you.

Unknown said...


Just a quickly searched link on how to make a pretty simple screen. I've seen some that have an extra diagonal bracket for support.

Also, in the AVS forum, people suggest painting the BO cloth as well, to match the image given by your projector. Anyways, just some ideas.

Andrew Hawthorn said...

I have nothing meaningful to contribute, but I will tell you that I can't access either of the pictures you put up with that last entry.

Charles Dexter Ward said...

Okay, I'm starting to lean back towards the cloth over a frame idea. The wall has a badly place outlet and I'd rather not have to plaster over it right yet.